Christian music loving grandmother fears digital “gadgets”
Dear Live Grand:
My Grandma is eighty-four and has lived her life happily without what she calls “gadgets.” Lately, she’s become phone-shy due to spam calls, so other than when she has visitors she knits, bakes, and listens to Christian music. This is all good, but her life is obviously limited. She doesn’t even go out to church anymore. I understand why she’s resistant to trying something new because she has no foundation to build on, but the whole family would enjoy video calls with her and we know she’d love that, too. How could we help her overcome her fear of digital devices long enough to start her on a GrandPad? – GK
Dear GK:
Your grandma sounds charming as she is, but we agree that she could benefit from the ability to easily connect with loved ones.
The first thing to know is that GrandPad tablets are designed to bring the advantages of technology to people like her, so she’d find it easy to use. The tablet is substantial enough to feel comfortable, the screen and apps are sized for easy viewing, and it charges by simply laying it on the supplied cradle.
As you noted, convincing her to try the tablet is likely your biggest obstacle. We’d suggest that the family admin prepare the GrandPad for her by uploading her favorite photos. Then, when you show her the tablet, just have her touch the Photos app.
While she’s viewing her photos, ask a family member who has been added to her GrandPad Contacts to call her. She’d immediately see that person’s image on her screen and all she’d have to do is tap Answer. Emphasize that the only calls she’d receive are from people in her Contacts. We think that by then she’d be fascinated, but to solidify your progress, suggest that she choose someone from her Contacts, tap their image, and press Call.
If her church offers online services, another way to convince her would be to add the church website to the GrandPad Internet app. You could explain that when it’s time for a service, she’d just tap the app and the website, and she’d be attending church! If she enjoys listening to various church services on the radio, those stations could be added to her Radio app.
Those options may be enough to start but if she’s interested in learning more, show her the Music app where again, with one touch, she could listen to Christian music.
Give her time to feel comfortable with each step. Eventually, you could show her how to use the Articles app where she could read about religion and crafts and build her own Favorites list, or even play a few games.
We have no doubt that from the time your grandma saw the family photos and realized that she could receive and send video calls she’d love her tablet. Envision her knitting and listening to her personalized Music Collection, GK! Her life would be brighter because of your thoughtfulness.
Live Grand is a weekly column brought to you by GrandPad — the simplest, safest tablet-based solution that helps reconnect families.