A reader asks if GrandPad offers direct support to their users
Dear Live Grand:
I’ve been reading about the GrandPad tablet and am considering one for my mom. There’s no doubt that she’d love spending time looking at family photos. The easy video chats would be great, and she’d enjoy the music. She could probably do all of that without help. What concerns me is that she’d want to play the games, only with her poor memory she’d forget details and get frustrated. Often a simple explanation will get her going but I’m working and can’t coach her all the time. Is there any support system in place for this? – TL
Dear TL:
Many of our GrandPad users are older adults still very much engaged in life, or they would be if they had a little help when there’s one of those pesky memory lapses. That’s why GrandPad offers unmatched customer service that is easily reached by tapping the large Help icon on the user’s screen.
There’s no Wi-Fi network or password needed due to built-in cellular service. Once your mom’s tablet was initially turned on, she’d simply flip open the cover and her GrandPad would be ready to go. There’s no need to remember to charge this tablet either since laying it against the included cradle at night would keep the battery topped off.
Each new user receives personalized one-on-one onboarding support in the form of a personal call from a representative. This person would help your mom become comfortable with her new GrandPad from the start.
What is truly outstanding, though, is that each GrandPad user is assigned a friendly, personal representative who would answer soon after your mom tapped her Help button. Her representative would help get her back on track with her game and is even happy to answer a call to just chat a bit. This is unheard of personalized service!
It’s not only your mom who’d receive support, either. The family admin receives full onboarding assistance where their representative would go over details that weren’t covered in the tutorial video and answer questions. If you have follow-up questions later, send an email or make a quick call. They are highly responsive.
One more thing: If your mom’s GrandPad should stop checking in for a time while not on the charger her representative will follow up with the user at the phone number on file. If they can't connect with the GrandPad user, they’ll call the family administrator (or another contact in the trusted list) to make sure that the user is all right.
We love questions about our customer service and support, TL, because we are justifiably proud of what we offer. However, don’t forget that the whole reason to own a GrandPad is to help older adults connect with friends and family and enjoy all the fun and interesting things that can keep them engaged with life. Your mom could do everything that you mentioned and more – all with superb support. Many GrandPad users say that this tablet has given their lives a new focus.
Live Grand is a weekly column brought to you by GrandPad — the simplest, safest tablet-based solution that helps reconnect families.